
Project information

  • Category : HDL , Digital electronics
  • Author : Amit Barman
  • Project duration : April, 2024
  • Project URL : Click to view

Short Details and Specifications

1. Design a single port RAM of size 1024 x 8 with synchronous read and write operations.
2. Write an appropiate test-bench to verify functionality.

A Single Port 1024x8 RAM is a type of memory module that has a storage capacity of 1024 words, each of which is 8 bits wide. It has a single port for both reading and writing data, which means that read and write operations cannot occur simultaneously.
Synchronous Operations : In a synchronous RAM, all operations are synchronized with a clock signal. This includes both read and write operations. The advantage of this approach is that it simplifies the control logic and allows for faster operation speeds.
Read Operation : During a read operation, the address of the word to be read is applied to the address lines of the RAM. The RAM then retrieves the data stored at that address and places it on the data lines. This operation occurs on the rising edge of the clock signal.
Write Operation : During a write operation, the address of the word to be written is applied to the address lines, and the data to be written is applied to the data lines. The RAM then stores the data at the specified address. Like the read operation, the write operation also occurs on the rising edge of the clock signal.