Project information

  • Category : Robotics
  • Team members : Amit Barman, Krishna Kunal, Astitva Nath Mishra, Naveen Rajpurohit, Subhrajyoti Mahanta, Shreyas Kumar
  • Project date : 23-26 March, 2023
  • Project URL : Working on it....

Short Details and Specifications

This is our Endurance bot which was made to perticipate in Manoeuvre event of Techkriti'23. We have perticipated there from the side of our Robodarshan on behalf of our college and won by 5 - 0 in the 1st round. The bot have basically two parts - the chasis/basic structure and the robotic gripper. Four 300RPM 12V motor is there to drive the body wired(We were unable to design high Ampere motor driver due to short timing and shortage of components) and we have designed the robotic gripper using 3D printer. Two metal servo was required for movement of gripper. We have controlled the gripper wirelessly.